Some logos I did over the years, for various publications and things.
A logo for the Euroflash, AEGEE-Delft's member magazine which I layouted, 2004. Used in print.
This one I did for a friend of mine, and could be used in actual pixel size or blown up like this. The idea was to accentuate the pixel nature of the "little stylish people," who were some kind of virtual community, but in the end the project didn't go anywhere.
This one was for the same friend. (Hi Gus.) He built a Theremin from a kit and decided it should be known as the "Popov 72a". This logo was supposed to be printed on a sticker and stuck on the machine, but I'm still waiting.
A logo I did for the high school paper, 2000.
This was a logo I did for a university case team I was in, 2004.
Graphic I made for one of the magazines I used to do the lay-out for. Never used in print.
This one is for AEGEE's campaign in favour of the ratification of the European Constitution. It was supposed to be printed on t-shirts, but was never used except for the project website.
This one is for my website, a graphic menu for my photo site.
This thing is supposed to symbolize "EuroFlash". The word "euro" is vaguely recognizable while the flash is symbolized rather than spelt. Very obscure and never used in print.
All this gorgeous design copyright of Alfred Klomp, 1982-current.