Newsletter for AEGEE-Delft

From November 2005 to May 2006 I did the layout of the AEGEE-Delft newsletter. Typesetting was done in LaTeX with a good number of custom macros. I eventually simplified the macro system to the point that all it took to generate the English and Dutch editions was to paste the paragraphs into a set of simple macro calls, and call on the back end to do the formatting. This made the generation of the newsletter nice and fast when it needed to get done on a busy weekday evening. If I had some spare time, I'd insert some dirty LaTeX hackery to get special effects like the footer of the February 2006 edition or the summer university listing of March 2006.

By modeling all the content as a series of boxes, and having those boxes relate to each other with margins of different "stiffness", the layout pretty much spaced itself.

The images below show the English and Dutch version of each edition. Click to enlarge.

November 2005

December 2005

Late December 2005

Early February 2006

Late February 2006

March 2006

May 2006